
About United Way's Endowment Fund

Did you know that United Way of Rock River Valley is an endowed organization? Thanks to the generosity of forward thinking donors, United Way is approaching $6 million in endowed funds that will help sustain our impact far into the next 100 years.

It began in 1987, when managers of Barber Colman permanently endowed a $1 million fund for United Way at the Community Foundation of Northern Illinois. The company had always been a strong supporter of United Way and endowed resources meant their support would continue even after their company was sold.

The Barber Colman gift was United Way’s first endowed gift. Over the years, more donors realized the importance of making sure that United Way has permanent resources to help fund its work in the community. A $6 million endowment fund yields investment income each year that United Way uses to help ensure students are prepared to be successful middle schoolers, on track to graduate from high school. It also supports neighborhood work, making sure families have the resources they need and neighborhoods are healthy and safe.

How to give to our endowment

It’s easy. Simply mail a check to 612 N. Main Street, Suite 300, Rockford, IL 61103, and designate it for endowment. Or you can text ENDOWMENT to 40403. Contact our office at 815-968-5400 to learn more and to discover how you can include United Way of Rock River Valley in your will or estate plans and establish a permanent legacy in your community.